coronavirus/COVID 19 update
As we learn more about the pandemic, our thoughts are with all those affected. Patient safety is our number 1 priority.
symptoms of COVID 19 include fever, cough and shortness of breath. If you think you have these symptoms, please call our office as we can get either the rapid antigen swab or get rt-PCR testing done outside of our office location.
While this is a difficult time for all of us, we need to practice social distancing ( 6 feet/2 meters) and limit exposure to us and to those who are vulnerable. Washing hands throughly (20 seconds with soap and water) and not to touch face without washing hands. If you are sick, cover your mouth when coughing. These are just a few of the ways to protect yourself and your loved ones.
If you need us in this difficult times, we are available to help you by phone or by emails and we are offering telemedicine appointments as well. Please call our office at 321-444-6560 or email us at jshealthstaff@gmail.com to set up an appointment. alternatively, if you have patient portal access, you can send us a secure message thru elation passport/patient portal.
Me and my team are available to take care of our patients in hospital setting if that is needed at adventhealth winter park and adventhealth orlando campus.
We will get thru this together. stay home and stay safe and practice clean hand hygiene.
Shwetanshu Shukla.
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